14 February, 2025

Regional Centre


Admission Procedure


The University follows two academic cycles. One begins in January and ends in December. The second starts in July and ends in the following June. Most of the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programmes are being offered in July cycle. Almost all the Diplomas and a few professional programmes are offered in January cycle. However, certificates of six months duration have a walk-in admission policy. In this case, the prospective learners can apply at any time of the year The applications received from January to May are allocated to July session and those application forms received between July and November are accommodated in January cycle. The admission advertisement is issued in major National and local papers like Shillong Times, Mawphor and Meghalaya Guardian.


Checking for Admission Status Top

For checking the status of your Admission & Material Despatch status LINK to www.ignou.ac.in


Term End Examination Top

IGNOU conducts Term-end Examination twice in a year i.e. June & December. In order to appear in the term end examination, the learners are required to fill in the Term end Examination form available in the Programme Guide and at the Regional Centres, Study Centres and SR&E Division,IGNOU Hqrs.New Delhi.

The University has introduced Examination Fee @ Rs.50/= per Course from the insuing Term end examination December 2007. The Examination Fee has to paid to the University in demand draft in favour of IGNOU, Payable at New Delhi. In the light of the above the schedule for submission of examination form has also been changed and the examination form will now be accepted by the University w.e.f. 1st September in place of 1st August.

The details of the forms submission dated is as given below


Date of submission of examination forms for December Term End Examiantion(TEE)
Late Fee
1st September to 30th September
1st October to 20th October
21st October to 15th November
16th November to 28th November


Examination forms to be submitted at the following Address:

NEW DELHI-110068


Examination Form with late fee has to be submitted to the concerned Regional Centre (Outside Delhi), Exam for these students will be conducted at the Regional Centre city only